This post contains the instructions to enable PowerShell TAB completion as an menu. Sort of like it works in Linux Bash. Normally TAB cycles through the commands.
You can also TAB for options and values. See pictures below:
To enable this perform the following powershell command: Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete
How to make solution permanent
The only caveat is you have to run this command everytime you start a PowerShell window. To make this a permanent solution we have to create a PowerShell profile
Step 1) Check if a profile already is present
If a profile already is present we have to add this to the profile, otherwise the profile have to be created. To check: Test-Path $Profile
PS C:\Users\edwin> Test-Path $Profile
PS C:\Users\edwin>
If it states False
no profile is present
Step 2) Create a profile
To create a profile: New-Item –Path $Profile –Type File -Force
PS C:\Users\edwin> New-Item –Path $Profile –Type File -Force
Directory: C:\Users\edwin\Documents\PowerShell
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 07/10/2021 12:35 0 Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
PS C:\Users\edwin>
Step 3) Edit the profile
Simply use notepad to edit the profile: notepad $Profile
And add the line Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete
to the profile
Please be aware that if you use PowerShell 5.x (Default in Windows 10/11) and PowerShell 7.x you have to implement this for both environments
That’s it. If you have usefull additions to your PowerShell Profile and you feel like sharing, please let me know in the comments below!
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